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How to Give Your Home a Makeover With Colored Skirting Boards

2024-03-11 10:38:03
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      Skirting boards are a forgotten element in the design world. Perhaps it’s because they’re at floor level and often ignored. However, with careful treatment, or the right dash of color, they can add life, warmth, and interest to an otherwise dull room.

      Colored skirtings are on trend at the minute, with a myriad of different options available. You’re really only limited by your imagination. Here are some ideas you might want to use in your next home makeover.

    wood skirting boards ideas

      Gray is not boring

      Gray skirting boards were once thought to be dull— the color of hospitals, schools, or government buildings. But, when used correctly, they can create an interesting contrast within a room. Traditional white skirting boards can sometimes drain the impact of strong color or pattern on your walls. Because gray is more muted and more subtle, it allows whatever color scheme is on your walls to shine.

      Match your walls and skirting boards

      Alternatively, have you ever considered matching the color of your skirting board to whatever is on your wall? It used to be, the only choice was either white, natural wood, or stained wood. However, a new practice is emerging where the skirting board is matched in with the color of the wall. This could be pink, green, blue, or whatever your heart desires.

      Maximalism: bold and daring colors

      1. Contrast different colors

      Followers of the latest maximalism trend, which is a revolt against long-standing minimalism, advocate contrasting different colored skirting boards with your walls. Maximalism, as the name suggests, is about going as far over the top as possible, making the biggest splash. How about something innovative like a pink wall with green skirting? Whatever your mind can conceive.

      2. Show off different shades

      Another interpretation of maximalism is to choose a skirting board that is in a different shade of the same color as your walls. So for example, if your walls are in a deep burgundy color, perhaps you could have skirting boards that are in a light red. By using this ‘same but different’ principle, you can add a real talking point to your home.

      Change the feel of your room

      1. Make the room seem bigger

      Adding color is a bold step. You should consider what type of effect you want to achieve within the room. If you want to make a small room seem bigger, then you should probably go for matching colors. This creates the optical illusion of space.

      2. Make the room seem brighter

      If you need to make the room seem lighter and brighter, follow the tried-and-tested method of coupling lighter paint on the walls with a darker shade on the skirting boards.

      3. Make the room burst with life

      Of course, if you want to go all out, and impart the maximum life and vivaciousness into your home, then add vibrant colors. The key is to be confident in pairing colors that would naturally seem to clash. Think yellow and blue or orange and purple. Make your home into a veritable art gallery.

      If you’d like to add colored skirting boards but aren’t sure where to start, visit our website for inspiration or speak to one of our skirting board manufacturers for professional advice. We’re the experts in skirting boards.