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How to Choose the Right Skirting Board Height for Your Home

2024-03-11 10:38:03
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      Skirting boards come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. There are an infinite number of ways you can tailor them to your needs. You can have ornate, flamboyant designs that hark back to a bygone era. You can pick muted designs to achieve a modern, sophisticated feel.

      Or, like many embarking on a home makeover, you can also vary the height of your skirtings to freshen up your look. Here are some items you’ll want to consider whilst deciding how high your skirtings should be.

    white skirting boards ideas

      Tall ceilings like tall skirtings

      Firstly, you need to consider how tall your ceilings are. Modern homes generally have lower ceilings than yesteryear and, therefore, most skirting boards have shrunk to an average height of about six inches.

      If you combine a low ceiling with a towering skirting board, the skirting board will ‘eat up’ more of your wall, giving a cramped aesthetic. It will feel like the walls are closing in.

      Whilst there is a specific feature called a wall panel, which rises up to several feet from the ground, you’ll need an equally stately home to pull off this look.

      Think about the style of your home

      Take into account what your overall approach is to style. If you’re going for a very discreet, minimalist interior, then you’ll want something that is the appropriate height so as not to overshadow the rest of the room.

      Skirting height is down to personal taste

      If you’re aiming for a maximalist, over-the-top look, it’s only right that your skirting boards should become a standout feature. If you have a penchant for theatrical design, you can push the height much further. There is no such thing as the ‘wrong height’. It’s all a matter of personal taste.

      Consider a range of different heights before deciding

      The best advice is to take careful note of all your wall measurements and work alongside a professional to make sure that you get something that is going to work in your space. Consider visiting a showroom so you can see skirtings of different heights in their natural habitat.

      Order a custom skirting sample

      Ultimately, the best way to know whether you’re on the right track is to either get a custom sample made or to use an app that allows you to place the skirtings inside a 3D model of your room, alongside the existing elements.

      Try a ‘room layout’ app

      Room Creator, for example, allows you to design a room layout that matches your home. You can specify the size of the room and add in the relevant decor. The app is currently free and allows you to create a 3D model in less than ten minutes.

      Are you wondering what height your skirtings should be? Would you like to change your home decor but don’t know where to start? Check out our website today for a full range of skirting board options or speak to one of our skirting board manufacturers.